best white wine for chicken piccata

Finding the best white wine for chicken piccata can be a bit confusing because it pairs fairly well with both white and red wines.

Quick and easy, Chicken Piccata is made by pan-frying chicken breasts in a buttery, lemony sauce.

It definitely tastes delicious but feels incomplete without the right wine.

So, what is the best wine for cooking chicken piccata and what can you choose to serve as an accompaniment?

Chicken piccata goes great with both red and white wines, and some of the best options include Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Champagne. 

Having a Taste of the Best Chicken Piccata

have taste of best chicken piccata

Piccata is a dish that was first created using veal, but classic Italian piccata can be made with any kind of fish or meat.

The dish consists of floured meat browned in butter and served with a lemon butter sauce.

Piccata meals are typically given as a separate course, usually following a pasta entree.

These days, chicken piccata is often served as an accompaniment to pasta instead of being used as a standalone dish in many places.

Fact: Using white wine instead of red wine is also a good idea for those counting calories because white wines pack fewer calories. 

Exploring the Flavor Profile of Chicken Piccata

flavor profile of chicken piccata

You can make chicken piccata using any part of the chicken, but cutlets and breasts seem to be the most popular choices.

Lemon juice is an essential component of the piccata sauce, along with white wine and sautéed garlic.

Traditionally, it is served garnished with capers, lemon wedges, and chopped fresh parsley. 

You will also find other ingredients, such as:

  • Radishes
  • Artichoke hearts
  • Olives
  • ·  … and other veggies

The combination of pickled capers and lemon juice is the reason why chicken piccata may have a sharp taste for most people’s liking.

However, it is a versatile dish and you can play around with the basic ingredients. 

For instance, many people switch to cream to tone down the sauce’s acidity and give it a more classic flavor profile.

Fact: Compared to red wines, white wines are often lower in calories and alcoholic content, making them a preferred choice for cooking. 

Enhancing the Flavor Profile of Chicken Piccata with Wine

enhancing flavor profile of piccata

Chicken piccata has recently skyrocketed in popularity, both as a restaurant staple and a go-to dish for busy families at home.

This has led many to wonder which wines go best with chicken piccata.  

When finding the best wine for chicken piccata recipe, you can always stick to a variety of white wines.

These wines work great because they add a touch of acidity to a dish.

Some of the best options include:

  • Sauvignon Blanc
  • Chardonnay
  • Pinot Noir
  • Champagne
  • Rose

When wine is added to a dish at the beginning, it quickly becomes an integral element of the dish, and the delicate subtleties are nearly always lost.

Consequently, high-quality wine should only be used at the end, where it will be the main component. 

Or, you can serve white wine as an accompaniment to enhance the flavor of chicken piccata. 

Finding the Best Wine for Chicken Piccata

find the best white wine

You can always serve chicken piccata with a number of low-carb options, including:

  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Buttered Egg Noodles
  • Mashed Cauliflower
  • Radicchio salad
  • Roasted broccoli
  • Celery and fennel salad

However, if you are looking for the best wine pairings for chicken piccata, know that nothing compares to white wine. 

Picking the Best White Wine for Chicken Piccata

picking the best white wine

A good white wine option depends on your ability to identify the dish’s prominent characteristics.

Piccata gets its robust buttery flavor from browning the butter first. The acidity and sharpness of the lemon counteract the heaviness of the rest of the ingredients.

And the saltiness of the capers really sets it off.

Similarly, garlic lends a pleasant spiciness, and fresh parsley enhances both the visual appeal and the herbal flavor.

Together, they offer a rich profile that can be paired with a wide variety of wines.

So, how do you make a choice? Here are a few pointers to help:

  • Remember that higher acidity wines usually work well with piccata.
  • Use the same wine as an accompaniment if you have used one in the sauce.
  • Say no to sweet wines because they do not work for highly acidic dishes like piccata.

Keeping these points in mind, let’s explore some of the best white wines that you can use in the sauce or serve as an accompaniment for your chicken piccata. 


a chardonnay
TasteDry and sweet
FlavorsLemon and apple
Alcohol %13.5-14.5

A rich Chardonnay is a perfect complement to a rich piccata sauce. 

To balance the acidity and richness of the piccata, this medium-bodied wine with subtle acidity is an ideal pairing. 

Chardonnay’s citrusy undertones complement the lemony sauce and cut through the richness of the dish’s buttery flavor.

If you are looking for a wine to match your chicken piccata, try to steer clear of oaked or too buttery Chardonnays. 

Butter is already used for cooking the chicken, so though a little bit in your wine works, using too much of it would be a bit of an overkill.

A good bet would be an unoaked Chardonnay. They add to your meal rather than taking away from it because of their improved crispness and reduced fat content.

Fact: White wines are quite popular, and Chardonnay is probably the most purchased white wine in the world. 

Sauvignon Blanc

a sauvignon blanc
NameSauvignon Blanc
TasteDry, fruity
FlavorsCedar, blackcurrant, herbs
Alcohol %Over 13%

Because of its accessibility and distinctive fruity and herbaceous flavors, Sauvignon Blanc has become a widely consumed white wine.

Wines are a great complement to foods that are high in acidity.

On the flip side, pairing a low-acidity wine with something like chicken piccata could lead to a disappointing lack of taste.

And the high acidity of Sauvignon Blanc is what makes it a good choice for your tangy lemony chicken piccata.

In fact, when you use more green herbs and vegetables in your chicken piccata, you will definitely benefit by pairing it with a Sauvignon Blanc.

Pick a Sauvignon Blanc with lots of citrus flavor to complement the lemon notes.

A Sauvignon Blanc best brings out the herbaceous flavors of fresh parsley with more pronounced herbal undertones. 

Pinot Blanc

a pinot blanc
NamePinot Blanc
AcidityModerate to high
TasteSweet and dry
FlavorsCitrus, pear, almond, apple
Alcohol %12-14

Pinot Blanc is a citrusy, crisp white wine that pairs well with your lemony sauce.

Pinot Blancs are typically from France, but they are more commonly produced in Northern Italy, Alsace, and Austria.

Its moderate acidity effectively neutralizes the intense acidity of the lemon sauce.

Numerous Pinot Blancs contain lemon zest notes, making them an even better combination.

Keep in mind that it is often lighter as compared to other white wines, but there are alternatives with medium and full bodies.

Remember, the richer Pinot Blancs will complement the nuanced, robust flavors of chicken piccata more effectively, so they are truly worth the effort. 


a rose'
TasteSweet to savory
FlavorsCitrus, strawberry, cherry, raspberry, melon
Alcohol %11-14

Rosé wine is formed from red wine grapes. It is manufactured in a similar fashion to red wine but is aged for a shorter period of time in contact with grape skins during fermentation.

Because of this, rosé wine is pink in color and has a softer flavor than red wine.

You can substitute a dry rosé for the white wine often served with chicken piccata.

If you choose your bottle of blush wine wisely, it may make a delightful complement.

The parsley in piccata pairs well with the grassy and slightly bitter aromas found in many dry rosés.

Fact: It is a good idea to try dry roses, such as Sangiovese or Grenache to complement chicken piccata perfectly. 


a champagne
Origin  France
FlavorsYellow apple, citrus, cream
Alcohol %12.20

This white sparkling wine leaves a smooth aftertaste in the mouth, making it one of the most popular options to pair with any dish.

Champagne or another sparkling wine pairs splendidly with chicken piccata. 

The eggy and bready aromas of this wine will pair well with anything you are cooking.

Most people agree that it is a fantastic pick because it is made from a special blend of grapes found also in Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, and Chardonnay. 

Read Next: What to do with Old Unopened Wine?


Finding the best white wine for chicken piccata does not have to be tricky if you understand the concept of pairing wines with food based on their acidity levels.

It may take a bit of experimentation at first, but you definitely have many options to choose from.

And if you are not fully satisfied with pure white wine, going with something like champagne is always a safe bet.