how to Clean Oven With Heating Element on Bottom

Did you finally decide to clean your newly purchased oven, which made you wonder… “How to clean oven with heating element on bottom?” 

Are you starting to notice the build-up of grease and food residue that’s making your skin crawl just by looking at it? 

If you answered “yes” to both questions, 

(And I’m pretty sure you did

Then you better stick around! 

As many of us already know, the oven is one of the finest and most versatile kitchen appliances that’s ever been created. 

Not only are ovens used for cooking dishes, but it also enables you to…

Bake all your favorite pastries and even roast your most liked meat produce. 

Giving you a chance on a piece of superb equipment that helps you do almost anything you desire! 

However, regardless of how high-end your oven maybe, It will still need proper care and maintenance to ensure its utmost efficiency. 

The kitchen appliance is certainly out of this world, but along with all its awesomeness, it comes with a big responsibility of care. 

If you want to get the most out of your investment 

And, (of course) to lower the risk of a potential fire outbreak, regular and proper cleaning is highly recommended… 

But how do you clean your oven? How about its heating element? What’s the safest way to do so?

We understand all your concerns, so we made sure to take the time to give you the best step-by-step guide to help you out!

Now let’s begin…

How to Clean Oven With Heating Element on Bottom

cleaning oven with heating element on the bottom

Although it can be an annoying task to clean an oven, It’s one of the most important things you can do to lower the risk of a potential fire.

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The oven is an enclosed space with high temperatures and food spills, making grease easy to build up over time.

This excess build-up can create dangerous fumes that are obnoxious and highly flammable! 

To avoid this danger, you need to ensure that regular oven cleaning is part of your routine.

There are a few different methods for cleaning ovens with a heating element on the bottom depending on what type you have, so let’s find out which one is best for yours!

Method One: The Soap and Water Route

soap and water

If you want to skip all those strong chemicals, then a little soap and water will surely do the trick!

However, be sure to remember that this method is only best to use in ovens that are not self-cleaning. If you have a self-clean oven, this is not your appliance’s method.

Furthermore, this also won’t work on stubborn stains or old, burnt-on food.

Cleaning your oven with soap and water is pretty easy. Check out the steps below to know more!

Step #1. Start off by taking out the racks and the bottom oven panel to remove any items which may have fallen or been left behind.

Step #2. Using paper towels is also an option if the surface is too greasy for a dishcloth or towel, but make sure that you use lint-free paper towels.

Step #3. Next, take a vacuum cleaner and use the hose attachment to suck up any loose dirt or debris in your oven.

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If you don’t have one of these hoses for your vacuum, just place it over the edges of each shelf until you collect all the dust particles that are no longer visible from sight.

Step #4. Once you’ve removed grease and debris, it’s now time to clean off all visible surfaces using a soft cloth with soapy water.

Step #5. When done, make sure to dry the entire appliance before using it.

Note: The soap and water method is a true life-hack since it won't take you more than a few minutes to clean your oven, and it's also the cheapest and most efficient.

If you want something quicker, the best option is to use vinegar for an instant solution that will leave no traces of grease or burnt food stains on your appliance.

To do this, check the next method below!

Method Two: Cleaning Your Oven Using Vinegar

using vinegar

We all know how pungent vinegar is.

The ingredient gives out an acidic smell that is sometimes unbearable for many.

But in this case, it’s the best option to clean your oven fast and efficiently without spending a lot of time scrubbing all over again.

Vinegar contains acid that can dissolve grease and break down any food residue in the oven.

For this ingredient to be effective, you should use an equal amount of water mixed with vinegar.

The mixture will help penetrate stains on your appliance while making it clean again.

It's important not to leave the mixture longer than a few minutes since the acidic properties might end up damaging it.

Using vinegar to clean your oven is pretty simple!

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All you have to do is…

  • Start by mixing equal parts of water and vinegar in a bowl. If you can’t seem to stand the strong smell of vinegar, you can put in a few drops of essential oil to balance out the smell.
  • Once your mixture is ready, take your washcloth and dip it in the mixture.
  • Rub down all of the grime and dirt on your appliance, starting with the top edges to ensure you don’t miss any spots. You’ll want to do this for about five minutes until you can’t see any more residue or stains from food left behind.
  • Next, rinse out your cloth and wait for a few minutes for the oven to dry.
  • When two minutes have passed, rinse the cloth with water and wipe the appliance down until vinegar residue is fully eliminated.

You won’t have to deal with all those nasty oven-cleaning chemicals since these types of products can badly affect your skin and ruin appliances.

The best time to clean an oven is when it’s cool so that you don’t mess with the heating elements or other parts of the appliance, which could be easily damaged if exposed to heat.

Another simple idea is using baking soda.

But how do we do that?

Let’s find out!

Method Three: Cleaning The Oven With Baking Soda

baking soda

Baking soda is considered one of the finest products ever introduced to humankind.

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Baking soda is used for cooking, but it is also used as a cleaning agent.

This extremely useful substance can help you to clean the oven with ease.

Baking soda has natural ingredients such as cornstarch, sodium bicarbonate, and cream of tartar that are efficient in cleaning the oven.

The baking soda helps to clean the grime, grease, and stains and leaves a fresh scent at your home.

For you to make this natural agent work better on tougher jobs such as getting rid of hard-to-remove residue, it is advised that you mix some water with a few drops of dishwashing soap.

Pretty excited? Well, let’s start the process!

  • Let’s begin by making our natural cleaner. Just take out your baking soda, dishwashing soap, and water and pour it into a bowl. Mix it all until you get a consistency that is not too watery and not so thick.
  • Once done, take your sponge or washcloth and dip it into the mixture. Apply it all over your oven, making sure you reach every inch of the surface.
  • Don’t forget to scrub off stains, residue, and burnt-on food when cleaning the oven. Once you’ve done this, it’s time to rinse!
  • Take a clean wet cloth and wipe the oven until all baking soda residues have been removed.

That is how simple it can be to take care of your dirty oven without having any chemicals in use.

Now that we’ve got that settled, it’s time to proceed with…

Our New Learnings

Learning how to clean an oven can be a tough job, but luckily, you’ve gotten through it without any problem!

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You’re pretty much aware now of how to clean your oven using natural methods such as soap and water, vinegar, and baking soda.

This is the perfect way to save money and avoid using chemicals in your home!

However, if you’re wondering how to clean your oven’s heating element, then look no further because we’ve got that covered for you too!

Check out below to know more about…

How to Clean Heating Element in Oven 

oven with heating element

Each oven is different, and depending on the type, the heating element can be at the top, bottom, or both.

If you can’t find it in your oven’s manual, then there are a few ways to detect where it is and what type of element has been installed:

The easiest way would be to simply remove the stove from the wall oven and take out all the racks so that you have a good view inside.

Many elements will have a small light bulb attached, but this is not always the case, so check to see if there are any wires connected to it – cables that come from or lead up into the top of your oven and then down again towards where you’ll find the heating element.

However, if you can easily determine where your heating element is, simply take it out so we can begin cleaning it.. but of course, do this with the stove turned off! 

Cleaning your oven’s heat element is pretty easy and won’t take much of your time…

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However, it’s still better to go for natural methods than chemicals, damaging your heating element. So, we’ll be using vinegar and baking soda to do it.

This method is pretty easy and won’t require you any special tools.

So without further ado, let’s start!

Step 1: Create The Mixture

Combine one cup of vinegar with two cups of water in a pot. Pour into your oven bottom. 

Add about half a teaspoonful (or less) of baking soda to avoid making the mix too acidic. 

Mix until the baking soda is dissolved.

Step 2: Take Out a Tooth Brush

Once your cleaning mixture is ready, take out a toothbrush and dip it in the mixture.

Gently scrub away any stains or residue on your heating element. 

Be sure you scrub gently and use a circular motion to avoid damaging the element.

Step 3: Let The Mixture Rest

After you’ve covered each area of the heating element, it’s recommended to let your cleaning mixture rest for 2-3 minutes so that it can do its work.

You need to give time for the cleaner to reach the deeper layers of the heating element.

After it’s done, take your toothbrush and gently scrub the area again to remove any remaining stains or residue.

Step 4: Rinse Your Heating Element

When you’re sure you have eliminated all the grease, grime, and stains from your heating element, it’s time to rinse the mixture off. You can also use a kitchen towel or paper towels to do this step.

Make sure you get all of the cleaners out so that there is no residue left on your oven!

After rinsing thoroughly with water, let it dry before placing it back in your oven.

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Your oven’s heating element is one of the most important parts of your oven.

This is the part that heats up to produce heat inside your oven, and without it, you would not be able to bake or broil anything!

The heating element in an oven can get dirty over time from cooking oils being splattered on it while preparing food.

So if you want yours to work properly, you will have to exert some time and effort in order to keep it as clean as possible.

Section Summary


We’ve certainly learned a lot in this reading journey!

You now know how to clean your heating element in the safest, most efficient, and quickest way possible.

With this new knowledge, we’re sure you’ll be able to make the most out of your investment since you are now skilled enough to take good care of your kitchen appliance…

Now before you head out to try all your new learnings,

Let’s finally have the…

Last Words

The oven is indeed among the best creations of mankind, and it has been the mainstay of our kitchen for many years.

We hope you have enjoyed this article about how to clean oven with the heating element on the bottom and the way to clean out your heating element too properly.

You can now enjoy a well-cleaned and maintained oven for the years to come.