Is mango considered a citrus fruit? Mangoes are not considered citrus fruit, even though they have citric acid.
They are very close to being neutral on “the pH Scale.“
However, mangoes are often considered to be tropical fruit. It will also depend on how ripe the fruit is.
If you eat a lot of mangoes, the cumulative effect of all of the citric acid in mangoes can add up.
Citric acid is a sour-tasting chemical present in various fruits and vegetables.
It has the chemical formula C6H8O7, which means it's a weak organic acid that doesn't break down very quickly.
So, while mangos may not technically be considered citrus fruits, they do have some similarities to their citrus cousins.
And, like citrus fruits, they are a good source of vitamins and fiber.
How Do Mangoes Get Their Citric Acid?
Mangoes get their citric acid through natural synthesis. The process of natural synthesis involves the interaction of sunlight and carbon dioxide.
This interaction creates a limonene compound, which is converted into citric acid by the mango tree. This is then transported throughout the plant and used for food production.
Along with producing citric acid, mangoes also produce essential vitamins and minerals beneficial to our health. Some of these include vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium.
How Much Citric Acid is in Mangoes?
Is mango considered a citrus fruit? Mangoes are not considered citrus fruits, even though they taste sour. They contain about 0.71% citric acid by weight.
This is much lower than the citric acid content in lemons and limes, around five percent. However, it is still enough to give mangoes their distinctive sour flavor.
There are many different types of mangoes, and they can vary in their citric acid content. Some mangoes have a sour taste similar to lemons and limes, while others are much milder.
For example:
1. Tommy Atkins: The fruit contains a high level of acidity, with a tart and tangy taste. The average pH level of a Tommy Atkins mango is between three and four.
2. Keitt varieties: have about four point five pH levels, making them the most acidic mangos.
3. Ataulfo Registers: at around four on the acidity scale.
4. Honey Mangoes: with a pH level of between three and four, honey mangoes are on the more acidic side
5. Champagne Mangoes: It has a pH level of around five, making them one of the least acidic mangos.
How to Reduce Citric Acid in Mangoes?
Mangoes are often used in savory dishes, but they can also be quite tart.
If you find that your mangoes are too tart for your taste, there are a few things you can do to reduce the citric acid.
Soak the mangoes in water for a few hours before eating them. This will help to leach out some of the citric acids.
Add a little bit of sugar or honey to the mangoes before eating them. This will help to offset the tartness of the fruit.
Another way is to eat them with a pinch of salt. Eating mangoes with a pinch of salt can also reduce the citric acid content in the fruit. This is because the salt will help balance out the sourness of the mangoes.
Remove the skin and scrape out the fleshy part of the fruit to avoid ingesting too much citric acid.
Another option is to use frozen mangoes instead of fresh ones and make a smoothie. If you’re using frozen Mangoes, defrost them first.
Cook mangoes with other sweet fruits to balance out the sourness. Add milk, yogurt, or ice cream to your mango dish to reduce the sour taste.
Eat them when they are ripe and sweet. Avoid unripe, sour, or pickled mangos. Use a citrus juicer rather than eating them fresh.
Is Mango a Citrus Fruit
Mangoes are often mistakenly considered citrus fruit because they have a similar appearance and taste. However, mangoes are classified as stone fruits.
This is because they have a large seed in the center of the fruit. On the other hand, Citrus fruits have small seeds and no pits. Mangoes are also much juicier than citrus fruits.
If you are looking for a tart and tangy snack, citrus fruits are the better option.
However, if you are in the mood for something sweet and juicy, mangoes are the way to go!
Importance of Citric Acid In Mangoes
Mangoes are not considered citrus fruit, but they do contain citric acid. Citric acid is important for many reasons.
Citric acid helps to generate Vitamin C and is important for many reasons: wound healing, immune system function, and collagen production.
- It helps to improve your skin health, fight off infection, and keep your bones strong.
- It helps to make the mango tart and acidic, which gives mangoes their tangy taste.
- It also helps to preserve the fruit and helps to keep mangoes fresh.
Citric acid is a natural preservative and antioxidant; it can help keep the mango from browning or rotting.
It’s responsible for things like energy production; it plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates and has been shown to have antioxidant properties.
Are Mangoes Too Acidic for Babies?
Mangoes are not considered citrus fruits because they don’t contain citrus fruits’ acidic content.
This means that mangos are safe for babies to eat.
Mangoes can be great first food for babies because they’re easy to digest and packed with nutrients.
Just be sure to introduce mangoes slowly to avoid any tummy trouble.
Can You Eat Mangoes If You’re Allergic to Citrus?
Yes, you can eat mangoes even if you’re allergic to citrus fruits. This is because mangos don’t contain the same acid type as citrus fruits.
This means that people with citrus allergies may also be allergic to mangoes.
If you’re unsure whether or not you can eat mangoes, it’s best to speak with your doctor.
Is Mango a Citrus Fruit or Not?
Mangoes are not considered citrus fruits because they don’t contain the acidic content that citrus fruits do.
However, mangoes are packed with nutrients and make a great addition to any diet.
So, whether you’re allergic to citrus or not, you can enjoy mangos without worry.
Just be sure to speak with your doctor before adding any new foods to your diet.
Final Verdict
So, is mango considered a citrus fruit? Technically, no. But, it does share many characteristics with citrus fruits, so it is often grouped with them.
Nutritionally speaking, mango is a great source of vitamins and antioxidants to be a healthy addition to your diet.
Although citric acid is typically harmless, there are a few possible adverse effects to be aware of.
Consuming excessive quantities of citric acid may result in gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Whether you consider it a citrus fruit or not, enjoy it for its delicious flavor and health benefits.