Can you freeze soup with milk in it? Soup is a great way to get a meal in when you’re short on time.
But sometimes, you might find a little bit of soup left over and no desire to eat it all at once.
What can you do with that leftover soup?
One option is to freeze it. But can you freeze soup with milk in it?
The answer is yes - but there are a few things you need to keep in mind.
This blog post will discuss the best way to freeze soup, so it stays fresh and doesn’t spoil.
Like any other kind of soup, soups with milk can be frozen and used later as a quick and healthy meal. But because there is milk in it, there is a greater chance that the taste and texture will change when it is defrosted.
Can You Freeze Soup With Milk In It?
Yes, you can; however, soups with milk or cream separate when frozen and become grainy when they are thawed and heated again.
So, you should use the following tips for freezing soups with milk. Here are the Tips on How to Freeze Soup with milk on it:
Step#1. Allow It To Cool Before Freezing:
Never put hot soup into the freezer. Not only is it a safety hazard, but it can also cause the soup to lose flavor and texture.
Cool will keep the nutrients in your soup from spreading to other foods.
It won’t defrost other frozen things in your freezer, either. Also, this is important; when the hot jar meets the very cold freezer, you won’t cause a thermal shock reaction.
Cool the soup on the stovetop or in an ice bath before packaging them
Step#2. Packaging:
You can use jars, ice cube trays, or other containers to freeze your soup, but you need to leave enough room for the liquid to expand as it freezes.
If you don’t, you’ll have to clean up slushy frozen soup and broken glass from your freezer, which is something no one wants.
If you need to:
- Save the leftovers for later by using a funnel to transfer them to storage containers.
- Put a stop to filling the plastic bag, jar, or container when an inch or so remains over the top.
- Clean up any mess around the lid or lock of your containers by wiping them down.
You don’t want this leftover in your freezer or making a mess when it’s time to defrost your leftovers.
Note: Remember to seal the containers tightly with a lid or plastic wrap.
Step#3. Portioning:
For individual portions, you can use an ice cube tray. This is an excellent option if you want to be able to thaw only as much soup as you need.
Another idea is to pour the soup into muffin tins. Once frozen, pop out the frozen “soup cupcakes” and store them in a freezer-safe bag.
Step#4. Sealing and Labeling:
Make sure your soup is sealed and that no air can get in while it’s in the fridge or freezer.
This could make your leftovers unsafe to eat. If it isn’t airtight, that also means that leftovers can leak out and contaminate other things nearby.
After sealing, use a permanent marker to label each container with the name and date of the soup.
This will help you track what you have in your freezer and how long it's been there.
Step# 5: Storing:
Once your soup is in its freezer container, labeled, and tightly closed, you can store it for a long time in the freezer.
The soup should be at the back of the freezer.
This helps protect it from temperature changes that could happen when the freezer door is opened and closed.
Soup can be stored in the freezer for up to six months.
Tips For Freezing Soups with Milk in It
Can you freeze soup that has milk in it?
You can use a few tips and tricks when freezing soups with milk in them to get the most out of the meal and keep the taste and texture from changing too much:
Tip #1. If your soup with milk separates during the reheating process, blend it for 30 seconds. You may alternatively hand-whisk it to the desired consistency.
Tip #2. Fresh herbs are not added before freezing. It is preferable to add them after the soup has been reheated.
Tip #3. Take out any pasta from the soup before freezing it or not putting any in at all. When reheating the soup, add freshly boiled pasta.
Tip #4. You should be careful with some of the ingredients in your soup, like potatoes, which tend to soak up water and fall apart when frozen.
Tip #5. Not fully cooking any green vegetables, like peas or beans, that you want to add to your soup so that they don’t get mushy when you reheat or add them while reheating.
How to Defrost Soup with Milk In It
When thawing and reheating frozen soups with milk, it’s important to take your time and be careful so that the milk doesn’t separate, and the soup’s structure and texture don’t change too much.
There are three ways to thaw soup:
1. Keep It in The Refrigerator For The Night
Take one or two bags from the freezer and place them in the refrigerator for the night so they may defrost.
Put it in a bowl just in case there are any drips or spills that could occur.
If it’s still partly frozen when dinner time rolls around, you may be able to cook it in a saucepan after all by breaking it up into little pieces and placing them in the pan.
You have up to two days to wait before eating soup that has been thawed in the refrigerator.
2. Place Them in Cold Water
If you want to break the frozen soup into pieces so it may be heated in a saucepan, place the bag of frozen soup in a deep bowl and pour a tiny but constant stream of cold water over it.
This will allow you to do so. The consistency of the soup in the bag will determine how long this process will take.
This is an excellent reason to freeze soup is pretty thin and flattened bags. You need to reheat the soup as soon as possible and consume it.
3. In The Microwave Oven
Put the soup from the bag into a dish suitable for the microwave and big enough to accommodate all the liquid.
Afterward, take the bag out of the microwave and put it on the low or defrost setting.
Allow the soup to defrost for one to two minutes at a time, then remove it from the bag and place it in a dish, breaking it up as much as possible.
Mixing it up often: The soup that was defrosted in the microwave must be reheated and consumed immediately.
FAQs About Freezing Soup With Milk In It
Do you have any additional questions about can milk-based soups be frozen?
The following are some of the other questions that are often asked.
How Long Can Soup Be Frozen?
The Federal Food Safety Information Guide recommends three months for reheated soup.
Labeling leftovers is crucial. After cooking and preserving your soup, eat it within three months.
Can You Freeze Tomato Soup With Cream That You Made Yourself?
Tomato soup can be frozen, even with cream. Fill a Souper Cubes tray with tomato soup, cover, and freeze.
You may place tomato soup cubes in a freezer bag if you like.
Can I Reheat Soup Several Times?
Reheat leftovers no more than once. If you have a large pot of soup, for example, take what you need and reheat it in a smaller pan.
This is because the more times you cold and reheat food, the greater the danger of food illness.
Final Verdict
So, can you freeze soup with milk in it? The answer is yes! Just be sure to take the appropriate precautions to ensure that your soup remains safe to eat.
Thanks for reading, and happy cooking!